Monday, February 4, 2019

The Time Machine Essay -- essays research papers

The main characters in The cadence cable car were The Time Traveler, Weena (an Eloi whoThe Time Traveler rescued), the Eloi as a race and the Morlocks as a race. Now thatyou know the main characters, I will develop their purpose in the novel and theirbehaviors. Weena was by far the most raise character in the novel. She was anEloi who was drowning while trying to bathe in a river. The Time Traveler quicklyjumped into the river and rescued her. Weena then started following The Time Travelereverywhere during his explorations. He learned about the Eloi people and their wrangleand the Morlocks from Weena. The Time Traveler was definitely intelligent. He figuredout a way to travel through time He was also a very charming, rich and friendly man, alittle too glowing and curious, I would say. His anxiousness made him go to another timeunprep ard, postcode with him but a package of matches. The Morlocks are a futuristic like to our current day primates-just uglier, smellier and they l ive underground.They are very aggressive and are blinded by even weak sources of light. The Morlocksare carnivorous and sometimes make a meal of an Eloi. The Eloi are a beautiful, friendlyand finespun race of small creatures. They seem to have a great idolize of the dark,because that is when the Morlocks come out from their Underworld. Both aredescendents of humans. The Morlocks stole The Time elevator car (I think) to lure TheTime Traveler into the brass gates so they co...

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